Ticket sales terms and conditions

The ticket purchased from the Malcesine - Monte Baldo Funicular Transport Company (hereinafter ATF Malcesine - Monte Baldo) is strictly personal and may not be transferred, exchanged, or duplicated.

For any abuse or improper use of the card, such as sale or transfer to other people, it will be immediately withdrawn by the personnel in charge, without prejudice to further legal consequences. The purchase and subsequent possession of the ticket imply knowledge and acceptance of the transport regulations and the rules of use of the Malcesine Monte Baldo cableway facilities.

The use of the ticket implies full acceptance of the conditions set out in the regulation, which is summarised below in its essential aspects:

  • the ticket is a personal document and not-transferable document;
  • the ticket holder is responsible for its safekeeping;
  • the personnel in charge of the systems at the time of access can ask the user for a identification document;
  • the ticket is valid for one day (the outward and return journey must be made on the same day) and is not refundable;
  • the ticket holder has the right to access the facilities indicated on the purchased coupon;
  • the facilities are open to the public according to the program prepared by the management displayed in all ticket offices and on the website;
  • the buyer acknowledges that the evening closing time of the facilities indicated at the departure of the themselves is mandatory. ATF Malcesine -Monte Baldo is not responsible if, due to the closure of the facilities occurring within the timetable or early due to force majeure, the traveler incurs expenses or suffers inconveniences in returning to the place of departure. Attention! Not extensions of the operating hours of the ski lifts are expected.
  • the opening of connections between the areas, the date and time of opening and closing of the facilities and the total or partial closure of the same for technical reasons (breakdowns or need for interventions extraordinary maintenance), safety (among which, by way of example only, we highlight • • The wind above the minimum allowed), for electrical blackouts, for the closure of one or more access roads to the areas, for strikes (including by its own staff) and more generally for all reasons beyond the will and activities of ATF Malcesine -Monte Baldo are the exclusive competence and choice of the same. For the above, the contractor will not have the right to request compensation/closure and timetables, whether for partial or total shutdowns;
  • play close attention to announcements about ski lifts;
  • minors: the responsibility in assessing the existence of the requirements for the purchase and/or request of the travel ticket in relation to the legal provisions regarding the use of cableways lies exclusively with the parents or with those exercising parental authority and, consequently, to the person to whom the minor is entrusted. Similarly to the same ones subjects are responsible for assessing the existence of the physical and technical skills necessary to use the systems;
  • ATF Malcesine - Monte Baldo is not liable for damage that may occur to clothing and/or equipment during performance of recreational activities for reasons not attributable to it and not legally demonstrable. Consequently, no insurance coverage is provided. Users are informed of the inevitable risk of possible traces of grease/oil on the ski lifts. Under no circumstances will the unused card be refunded.

Types of tickets that can be purchased

Provisions for travellers

To use the service, travellers must have a ticket.

Persons not involved in the service are prohibited - except with authorization or requirements relating to the exercise of trade union rights regulated by law or contractual agreements - from entering the areas and enclosures of the plant. Those who are in a state of drunkenness, or in psychophysical conditions that could jeopardize their personal safety and that of others, and those who due to their state or behavior could jeopardize safety, disturb travelers and disturb the transport are excluded from transportation. public order, those carrying objects that prevent easy access to vehicles as well as travelers with inappropriate clothing or in any case not sufficiently protected in relation to the environmental climatic conditions.

Users of the system must use the necessary precautions and monitor, as far as it depends on them, the safety and security of themselves, the people and animals in their custody, as well as the safety of their belongings.

The traveler who is not familiar with the system's transport system must inform the staff and request the appropriate instructions also regarding the methods with which they carry out rescue operations in line with lowering to the ground.

Also taking into account the methods of possible help for passengers, disabled travelers must report any need for help in advance and agree with the staff on any different modes of transport.

The ticket must be used according to the methods provided for by the reading and counting equipment; The ticket price includes the transport of a small, not bulky baggage, not exceeding 10 kg in weight, and not containing dangerous materials (flammable, explosive, toxic, polluting, etc.).

Promiscuous transport of people and goods is prohibited, except for personal baggage.

Only one dog per vehicle is permitted and must be accompanied by a leash and muzzle. The transportation of firearms with the facility, by private individuals, even if unloaded and/or disassembled, as well as the related ammunition, is prohibited. 

Priorities are not permitted, except for service, rescue and surveillance.

Travelers are required to observe regulations issued by the competent authority and by the management of the company concessionaire of the facility, in the interest of regular operation, displayed in stations and in vehicles, as well as all other provisions which, in order to avoid accidents , were given by the plant agents.

Travelers must not distract and distract officers from carrying out their duties; to enter and exit the vehicles they must follow the instructions given by the agents.

Travelers who intend to purchase "mountain bike" tickets take note that the correct choice of the itinerary, the user's pace and speed must be suited to his/her abilities, to ground conditions, the state of the paths and routes, the signs, the weather, the visibility. Mountain bike trails and trails are identified, maintained and maintained by you of third parties and simply taken up here.

We therefore decline any responsibility for facts arising from the use of the information contained in this card.

The excursions and routes are carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the individual users.

The Malcesine Monte Baldo Cable Car is only obliged to transport you from the valley station to the station mount and/or vice versa.

In particular, travellers must abide by the following:

  • cooperate to ensure that transport is carried out regularly, behaving in such a way as not to endanger the lives of others or otherwise cause damage;
  • do not obstruct the automatic closing of the vehicle door;
  • follow the instructions of the agents for entering and exiting the vehicles;
  • immediately leave the landing dock in the indicated direction.

It is absolutely forbidden for travellers to:

  • cause the vehicles to oscillate in any way;
  • traveling in the car in incorrect and dangerous positions;
  • touch and operate the safety and signaling devices;
  • damage, deteriorate, or soil the vehicles, the premises, the plant environments as well as their furnishings and accessories;
  • access stations or get on the vehicle without the presence of staff;
  • speak to the agents in charge of the systems, except for service needs;
  • smok ing during the journey and in waiting areas at stations.

In the event of a stoppage of the lift, which makes it necessary to rescue passengers in line, they must comply with the instructions given by the cable car staff, abstaining from any personal initiative, even when, due to particular conditions, some of them may feel they are take care of himself or others alone.

Travelers who do not comply with these provisions are held responsible for any consequences or damage caused to the operator, other travelers and third parties.

Violators of the provisions of this Regulation, brought to the attention of the public by means of specific communications, will be prosecuted pursuant to Article 18 of the Presidential Decree. 753/80.

Where non-compliance could cause serious damage to the safety of the remaining travellers, the violators will be referred to the Judicial Authority, if the fact constitutes one of the hypotheses of crime provided for by articles 432 and 650 of the Penal Code or of the Presidential Decree. 11 July 1980 n.753. Complaints from travelers regarding the regularity and safety of the service must be sent to U.S.T.I.F. for Veneto and Friuli V.O. - Strada della Motorizzazione Civile, 13 - 30174 MESTRE (VE) and to the Province of Verona - Via S. Maria Antica, 1 - 37121 VERONA, with complete personal details and the precise address of the complainant. Anonymous complaints will not be taken into consideration.

Furthermore, we inform and remind our kind customers that: the A.T.F. Malcesine-Monte Baldo is not responsible, and therefore no refund is due, in the event that, due to unforeseen events (e.g. excessive windiness, unpredictable technical problem, sudden and unannounced suspension of the electricity supply) determines the partial shutdown of the systems.